Pass the chips: This software cancels crunch when gaming or chatting online

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The sound of other players munching on chips can be a source of annoyance and distraction for online gamers. Now, a software program promises to cancel out these crunching sounds so you can carry on snacking without bothering fellow gamers.

This surprising computer program, proposed by the famous Doritos potato chip brand, is capable of suppressing the noise of potato chip munching. Powered by artificial intelligence, it has been designed to let you carry on snacking on chips while gaming (or on a conference call) without disturbing your friends or colleagues. Called Doritos Silent, this “crunch cancellation” software is currently only compatible with PCs running Windows 10 or 11.

Doritos Silent uses algorithms capable of analysing and suppressing chewing sounds. Designed in partnership with Smooth Technology and acoustics experts, the program required six months’ development and technical analysis of over 5,000 different crunching sounds.

More than just a gimmick, it appears to meet a genuine demand. A study carried out in October 2023 by Frito-Lay among 2,000 British gamers revealed that almost half of them (46%) don’t like to hear other gamers eating. This noise distracts them, and therefore has an impact on their performance. This new technology could therefore help make for a better gaming experience.

Doritos Silent is available as a free download for PC at

– AFP Relaxnews

– TheStar

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